Raging Rivers WaterPark – It’s Cool When It’s Hot!!

Posted on the 17th by

On Saturday, Dan and I took part in a family tradition that began approximately 14 years ago – but this tradition included FOUR generations of my family – ranging in age from eight-months to 71 years of age! Believe it or not, we made our annual visit to

Food Plot Maintenance

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As the drought of 2012 continues across much of the country so does the demise of many of our wildlife food plots. No matter what type of food you have planted this year the excessive heat and lack of precipitation is going to have a negative impact. So

Creek Bottom Bucks

Posted on the 14th by

We have all heard of river and creak bottom bucks. We’ve heard the “big” bucks like to hang out in these drainages. Or we often talk about deer crossing creeks in certain spots and setting up our ambush spot somewhere on either side of the creek. But what

Scouting Illinois Whitetail in the Heat of the Summer

Posted on the 5th by

No rain and in the 90’s along with triple digits on the thermometer through the end of May, June and July makes it’s tough to get out there and scout whitetails. The best way I have found to scout deer during hot summer months, is from the inside a truc

Scouting Whitetails From a Bike

Posted on the 4th by

The first thing you think of when scouting whitetails is not using a bike. I am not talking about a motorcycle but a bike that has peddles. Those who know me know that I like racing in triathlons and part of my training is riding the rolling hills of Pike