Boone and Crockett Bucks Score
Boone and Crockett Scoring
Measuring a bucks score with the B&C (Boone and Crocket) scoring method is one of the most utilized ways of determining a whitetail deer’s score. It’s a relatively simple technique that doesn’t require a lot of time or effort to complete. All you need is a 1/4 inch wide, steel tape (flexible) and a piece of paper or a Boone and Crockett Score sheet which can be found online with a simple google search.
For whitetail deer, you get 4 mass measurements starting from the base of the antler. Every tine that is longer than one inch is considered a point. You measure the total length of the main beam, followed by every scorable point, and then the 4 mass measurements. Add both sides of the antlers up and then add the inside spread to the score and you will have your total gross score. If you wanted the net score, you would add up both sides of the antlers and then deduct one side from the other. On Boone and Crockett Club’s website they have a step by step process of measuring every point.
Scoring a Deer
During our orientation meeting we have with all of our hunters we use two mounted deer heads to give hunters an idea of what to look for when there scoring a deer on the hoof. Over scoring a buck while your hunting is easy to do once the adrenaline starts pumping and buck fever gets your brain rattled. At Heartland Lodge we have an 140″ gross, minimum on bucks score.
We give hunters a few guidelines to look for when a bucks score is in question. The three main components are tine length, mass, and main beams. Tine length is where the score can really add up quickly. Long brow tines, G2s and G3s are necessary for a buck to make score unless the buck has great mass. Notice on Buck #2 the tine length is around 10-11 inches on the G2’s and G3’s, but the bucks bases are close to 8 inches in diameter! Main beam length is also very important to reach a higher score. When a buck is looking sideways, the tips of the main beams should be about to the tip of the nose to achieve that 140″ range. Of course there are exemptions to these three guidelines but they can be a helpful guide of rough scoring a buck when you have a short window of time to get a shot.
Here’s a few examples of bucks that meet or exceed our 140″ minimum that’s been harvested at Heartland Lodge..
The first buck below scores just over 140″
Last Updated: October 13th, 2017