Whitetail Hunters Welcome Letter
Expectations range from the hunter who is looking to enjoy time spent in the great outdoors to someone who hunts high fenced areas and is expecting a guarantee. Most hunters fall somewhere in-between. Pike County is famous for the quality of bucks that live here and that can cause inflated expectations. Hunting mature whitetails in Pike County is no different than hunting them where you are from. We just have a few more large bucks as our genetics, food and age structure are ideal.
When hunting free range whitetails, you take the risk of going home without a deer. If your idea of a successful trip solely depends on harvesting a deer, I recommend you book a high fenced hunt. It will better meet your expectations. If a high fenced hunt is not for you, the right expectations for a free-range whitetail hunt is the key in being successful.
Gary Harpole
Heartland Lodge
Last Updated: January 20th, 2022
Jim Kiel will be hunting with Adam Bilbrey for a 6 day bow hunt
Oct. 29th – Nov. 3rd.
You should already have both emails now.
Looking forward to meeting with you and hunting with you during the 2022 bow season!
Thank You!
I’m sorry, I thought these messages were going to you.